Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences



Create innovations for producing graduates and developing local communities


A Faculty of Innovation Creation

Bachelor of Fine Arts Programs

  • Performing Arts
  • Creative Graphics

Bachelor of Arts Programs

  • Chinese Language
  • Thai Language
  • East Asian Languages and Cultures
  • English Language
  • Social Sciences for Development
  • Library and Information Science
  • ASEAN Studies

Bachelor of Laws Program

  • Law

Bachelor of Public Administration Program

  • Public Administration

Bachelor of Education Programs (4 years)

  • Performing Arts Education
  • Thai Language Education
  • English Language Education
  • Social Studies Education


  1. Create educational innovations, disseminate knowledge, and advance academics.
  2. Conduct innovative research and develop knowledge.
  3. Provide academic and professional services to the community, locality, and society.
  4. Innovate in the preservation and promotion of arts, culture, and local wisdom.
  5. Uphold royal initiatives and royal sciences.
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