Office of International Affairs and Asean Network



Knowledgeable in languages, leading to global integration, expanding collaboration, and building credibility in services.


The Office of International Affairs and ASEAN Networks aims to promote knowledge of languages and cultures with a focus on communication. It excels in coordinating collaboration across various fields by forming networks with domestic and international organizations and educational institutions under concrete agreements. This aims to achieve quality management in academics, research, and arts and culture.


  1. To establish collaborations with educational institutions, organizations, and agencies both domestically and internationally in education, research, training, exchange of government officials, faculty, staff, university employees, and students, as well as study tours, international academic conferences, cultural exchanges, and the establishment and operation of academic centers towards the ASEAN and international communities.
  2. To provide ceremonial, reception, and study tour services for foreign nationals.
  3. To offer services and facilitate travel for government officials, faculty, staff, university employees, and students going abroad.
  4. To provide a foreign information database for building collaborations and compiling information to disseminate university activities to the ASEAN and international communities.
  5. To monitor and evaluate international cooperation projects, including the allocation of funds and related activities.


The Office of International Affairs and ASEAN Networks has a mission to manage academic affairs in languages and cultures and to coordinate collaboration with educational institutions and various agencies both domestically and internationally.


Center of Translation and Interpretation

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